Basic Facts About Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a state of highly focused attention that facilitates change.
Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness that allows you to take in suggestions on an unconscious level. It is a highly effective short-term treatment for specific problems. While it is not the same as sleep, many people report that hypnosis reminds them of how they feel right before they fall asleep at night.
Numerous problems can be helped with hypnosis.
Examples include fear of flying, crowds, heights, speaking in public; help with being more assertive; preparing for surgery or other medical procedures; insomnia; addiction recovery; relationship enhancement; stress reduction; anxiety; overeating; and smoking cessation. This is just a partial list. There there are many other problems hypnosis can help with.
EVERYONE can be hypnotized.
Hypnosis is a natural phenomenon that anyone can access, though some people are more easily hypnotized than others. There are many approaches to hypnosis, but an Ericksonian hypnotherapist is trained to find the right approach for each patient.
You are never under the power of the hypnotist.
This is a myth. You never act in any way against your own values or wishes in hypnosis. Even if it were possible, it would be counterproductive: the hypnotherapist and patient working together in a cooperative way is a key component of effective hypnosis treatment.
Hypnosis is a short-term treatment.
The exact number of sessions depends on several factors, including the type of problem or symptom for which you are seeking help, your personality and natural responsiveness, and the style of hypnosis used. During the first session, a treatment plan is discussed that includes the number of sessions anticipated. It is reasonable to think of making a commitment to 3-5 sessions of hypnosis.
You can determine if hypnosis is right for you.
Here is what to consider when deciding if hypnosis is a good treatment approach for you: your willingness to access your unconscious resources, level of curiosity about yourself, and a degree of desire to change. Additionally, while hypnosis can help with many of life's problems, the more specific the symptom or problem, the more likely that it will benefit from hypnosis.